bon adj. 〔法语〕 = good. bon ami 男朋友;情人。 bon jour 您好!早安!日安! bon mot (pl. bons mots ) 警句,妙语,名言。 bonsens 良知。 bon soir 晚安! bon ton 优雅;礼让;时髦;上流社会。 bon vivant (pl. bons vivants) 考究饮食的人。 bon voyage一路平安!
The international cooking school of italian food and wine has been named by bon appetit magazine as one of the best cooking-class vacations 1 ) available 意大利食品暨酒类国际烹饪学校,被《开胃杂志》评选为世上最佳烹饪旅游课程之一。
The ability to remember the experience of various wines is crucial, anthony dias blue, wine editor of bon appetit magazine told new scientist 法国《好胃口》杂志的葡萄酒栏目编辑安东尼?迪亚斯?布卢说,记住各种葡萄酒的口感对于鉴赏葡萄酒是非常重要的。